Sarah Agnew, Joanne Sutcliffe (ILD specialist nurses) & Collette Crompton (ILD coordinator) organised an awareness stand at Aintree University Hospital. Free celebration chocolates and BLF stickers were a definite hit, as were the Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis pens and wrist bands. We also encouraged people to sign the IPF charter to promote awareness with politicians in Europe.
It was very successful with interest from health care professionals who wanted to learn more about IPF and those who didn’t know anything about it.
There was all questions about how to get support in Kenya for IPF from a visiting doctor from that country.
The stand also generated a lot of interest from the general public. Some people had heard about IPF and had relatives with the condition, other people hadn’t heard about of IPF but had plenty of questions.
A very worth while experience and I’m sure people will think more about IPF and the impact it can have.
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