a hub for research, education & best practice
A network serving as a valuable resource for healthcare professionals working in the field of ILD, promoting research, education, and best practice in the diagnosis and management of these lung disorders.
The ILD-IN provides a supportive network for all members, encourages information sharing and promotes best practice and research collaboration.
The ILD-IN provides resources and materials and encourages members to develop knowledge and expertise in ILD care.
Through peer support and education, the ILD-IN aims to raise the standard and provision of ILD care.
Our purpose is to provide a supportive network for health professionals of all disciplines working in interstitial lung diseases. We provide support, promote ILD specialty practice through education and professional development and influence the policy of ILD care.
The Interstitial Lung Disease Interdisciplinary Network (ILD-IN) is a supportive and collaborative network for health professionals of all disciplines caring for people with interstitial lung disease (ILD).
Stay connected, stay informed. Explore our news articles and be at the forefront of ILD healthcare. Together, we strive for a brighter and healthier future for all those affected by ILD.
The ILD-IN is keen to support the development of regional networks supporting healthcare professionals specialising in ILD locally.
New and established regional groups and their contacts are listed along with details of the next planned meeting. We would be pleased to list your network.
Take a look at our social wall to stay up-to-date on the latest events and news in the industry.
FVC has limitations as marker of progression/flare. Nice data from @Drchuntley089 & team @uhbtrust demonstrating impact of emphysema #ERSCongress2024 @ild_inn @WallbanksSam @gburgeILDNN
Occupational lung disease screening adds value/efficiency to focusing hx & clinical pathways... Data analysis ongoing meaningful work by kim nettleton @Drchuntley089 @gwocclung @uhbtrust @ild_inn #ERS2024
#ERScongress2024 has started.
I am honoured to be invited to the Networking Excellence Training Programme (NEXT), a precious opportunity for early career members
We are so proud of our committee who are chairing, presenting and sharing research at #ERSCongress
@RespPharmacist @Istamina @MariaKoulo34412 @CtiaPaixao @ipf_manchester Katie Zakis Carmel McInerney
Excellent articulate pro con debate with profs Spagnolo and Smith....to treat or not early lung involvement in mild
SSc... treatment not only pharmacological. phenotype important @ild_inn #ERSCongress @SaketkooMD @LatikaGupta_ @Drchuntley089
Lovely presentation @EuroRespSoc methotrexate as effective as prednisolone at 24wks in Dutch cohort @SarcoidosisUK @ild_inn
🇦🇹 Welcome to Vienna!
The #ERSCongress 2024 is officially open!
We are looking forward to five days of the latest updates in respiratory medicine & science.
Use #ERSCongress to join the conversation.
Visit the live platform: https://live.ersnet.org
Such a wonderful experience and amazing to work with such dedicated and thoughtful individuals and teams! Really looking forward to sharing the full video. It’s brilliant.
A phenomenal interview with @ChefAlainRoux and @PFTpeter - huge thanks to the fantastic team @ild_inn @RouxWaterside and @JamesGKMorgan. Really grateful to all those who supported ♥️