Regional Networks

We are pleased to inform you that we have now developed a regional networks page on the website. The ILD-INN is keen to support the development of regional networks supporting healthcare professionals specialising in ILD locally.
New and established regional groups and their contacts are listed along with details of the next planned meeting.
We would be pleased to list your network. If you would be interested in starting a regional group in your area we are happy to help and would be pleased to publish details of your group on the web-site.
Next Meetings:
West Midlands ILD-INN (WmILD-INN) Friday 29th April 2016 09.30-16.30
North West ILD Health Professionals Network Thursday 28th April 2016
Welsh ILD-INN Thursday 5th May 2016
Click on the link for more information https://ild-in.org.uk/regional-networks